What is Clubhouse & Do You Need It?

What is Clubhouse, and do you need it? The current question buzzing among all us social media managers and small business owners. Here I break down all the details, so you can decide for yourself!

Clubhouse is an audio based app that allows you to jump in and out of virtual chat rooms, even allowing listeners to participate in talks if they want to. There is virtually no images or video (except for your small profile picture) eliminating the vanity perspective and allowing listeners and experts to really focus on topics.

You may be thinking, the introvert in me does NOT want to participate in conversations with strangers. That’s okay, but I wouldn't rule out Clubhouse because of that. You can join a chat, stay on mute and gain all the good information provided in a topic! (Kind of like you would while listening to a podcast). The nice thing about Clubhouse is there is a lot of choice in how you want to use the app to benefit you personally.

Naturally, your next question is probably ‘what are the topics people are talking about on Clubhouse?’ Well, anything and everything! Experts to small business owners are taking advantage of the app by sharing their knowledge and even products. The great thing is that there is absolutely no history storage. Once the chat is done, it’s gone forever (kind of like snapchat).

Clubhouse has become so intriguing and popular because of its exclusive networking nature. To join the app, you have to be invited which allows for small, intimate groups during chats. Anyone on Clubhouse can join a room, and even the conversation allowing for connections you wouldn’t necessarily make on other social media apps.

With every new platform, there are some concerns, learning curves and downsides. When Clubhouse was first released, the privacy guidelines were pretty loose. However, as time went on and more users joined, community guidelines like each chat room creating their own ‘club rules’ and the ability to block and report have been put in place. If you’re planning on using Clubhouse, it’s a good thing to be mindful of groupthink, exclusions and fake news (as with any other social media platform).

So do you need it? If you’re looking to network, share your knowledge, services or products, enjoy podcast style learning then yes. You should look into finding an invite to Clubhouse. As with a lot of things, Clubhouse will be what you make it because it’s evolving as we speak!

Catch me on Clubhouse with my weekly live series every Tuesday at 4pm EST where I’ll cover topics on leveraging social media to increase traffic, generate leads and building a community of raving clients and customers.


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