Instagram Should Be Fun!

When the new year hit, a lot of us had some serious social media goals. This was great, but it got me wondering “are people really having fun with Instagram?” Maybe you’re like me where every so often Instagram can feel like a soul-sucking drag. Maybe you’ve been stuck in that phase for days, weeks, months or even worse years.

With this in mind, I decided to come up with my best tips when you’re feeling drained and steps for building a healthy, long term relationship with Instagram:

1. Take a Break

I would suggest even going as far as deleting the app if you feel it’s necessary. Completely step away and clear your head. You’ll know you’re ready to start posting again when the awesome content ideas come out of nowhere.

2. Stop Attaching Intrinsic Value to Numbers

Likes, comments, followers, etc are just numbers. They don’t say anything about you as a successful business owner, content creator, parent, friend, daughter, sister, partner, wife, etc. For the best results, keep those numbers in your peripheral vision - I just ‘noticed’ I hit 20K - yay!

3. Stay Curious

I made this shift mid summer 2020 and you can literally see it on my growth chart and financials. My approach is an attitude of curiosity instead of judgement.

4. It’s a Marathon Not a Sprint

Elaborate growth strategies only work if you’re consistent. When deciding how you want to show up, consider the sustainability of what you’re undertaking. Can you REALLY spend 3 hours a week creating fancy slides for your stories? Does it make sense for you to commit to 1 hour a day of outbound engagement?

6 months of small, consistent effort will move the needle more than 3 weeks of going ‘all out’ and then needing a break because you’re burnt out.

Create a simple but sustainable plan that suits YOU and your lifestyle.


Master Instagram for Business


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