All the strategies and prompts you need to change how you create content with AI



You’re tired of second-guessing your Instagram strategy:

Am I on-brand?
Is my message clear?
Is my content strategy cohesive?
Am I truly connecting with my audience?  

You’re ready to be perceived as the impactful communicator and savvy business owner that you are.

(“I wish Instagram wasn’t such a time sink!”)

What they’re saying…

Have you ever wondered how to make Instagram content creation less of a chore and more of a breeze?

‘Cause one day you’d be confidently sharing content that not only engages but also converts.

You’d feel confident about your content strategy — and know that efficiency is achievable (even while juggling everything else in your business).

It's time to embrace AI.

You LOVE creating thoughtful content and are starting to see that it's key to differentiating your brand. But you can't figure out how to leverage AI effectively ... and the nuts-and-bolts of AI-driven content creation!? It's beyond you.

Plus, you're already a busy entrepreneur juggling numerous tasks —  if you have to figure out another complex tool for ONE more thing in life, you just might lose it.

So you’re researching again... downloading endless templates and guides, wondering if you'll ever truly master the content hamster wheel.

Imagine being able to master Instagram content creation with AI in just ONE hour.

You'd have a clear, AI-assisted strategy to articulate your brand's voice and plan your content, so you can focus on what you do best — growing your business.

You’d be able to wake up to a well-structured week of content because you're finally ahead of the game... and, wait a sec... was that an influx of new followers and engagement because your message is resonating!?


 Your  Instagram strategy would now resonate with clarity and confidence — without the guesswork.

‘Cause you don’t have time for guesswork. 

It’s not like you lack creativity. You KNOW your content can somehow stand out with the right approach...



Introducing "AI Content Kickstarter"

A pre-recorded workshop that empowers you to master your messaging for Instagram and effortlessly create a strategic content calendar using the power of AI in just one hour

The step-by-step roadmap to embracing AI for creativity: discover how AI can be your secret weapon in generating innovative content ideas and refining your messaging.



A Clear Understanding of
AI in Content Creation:

Grasp how AI can revolutionize your Instagram strategy, making content creation simpler and more effective.


Messaging Skills

Learn how to communicate your brand's unique value proposition in a way that resonates deeply with your audience.


A Robust
Content Calendar

Create a well-structured content calendar that aligns with your marketing goals, ensuring you stay organized and on track.


Creative Skills

Gain insights into generating engaging, innovative content ideas that captivate your audience.


Efficiency in
Content Planning

Develop the ability to plan weeks of content in a fraction of the time it used to take.


Confidence in
Your Content

Feel more confident in your Instagram presence, knowing that your content is well-planned and impactful.



Get your hands on the specially-designed templates that make content planning and creation a breeze.



Apply what you learn immediately to see tangible results in your Instagram engagement and brand growth.


Join "AI Content Kickstarter" and transform your approach to Instagram content and AI, making it more strategic, impactful, and aligned with your business goals.

Trusted by:

Sure, you could try diving headfirst into a sea of online tutorials and blog posts about using AI for your Instagram content strategy. Hours of screen time, here you come!

But here's the catch: It's like trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box. 

Sure, you’d learn a lot, but would it all fit together for your unique brand? Plus, who has the time to sift through all that and still run a business?

Or, you might try bringing on board a social media guru or an agency. Sounds fancy, right?

But, here's the hiccup: While it sounds like a load off your shoulders, your wallet might not agree. Plus, you run the risk of your Instagram sounding less like you and more like someone else. Don’t you want your followers to hear your voice, and not an echo of someone else's?

Option #3?  Good old trial and error. Post a mishmash of stuff and see what sticks. Like throwing spaghetti at the wall, really.

But, here’s the reality check: It's a bit like wandering around without a map.

Might find some cool spots, but also might end up lost. It's all guesswork, and your brand deserves more than a game of chance.

So, while these ways might have their perks, they're not quite the golden ticket. 

What you’re after is something that's tailor-made for your brand’s voice and goals, without the hours of research and trial and error.

And that's where "AI Content Kickstarter" comes into play – it's like having a GPS, a mentor, and a magic wand all rolled into one for your Instagram strategy!

You can get started for just a fraction of what you'd spend on a social media consultant.

Your investment for AI Content Kickstarter?

Access to the full
"AI Content Kickstarter"
Online Workshop

Interactive Lessons
on AI-Powered
Content Creation


Access to
Course Updates

The only ChatGPT
prompts you
need to start saving
time creating content

One-time payment of $197



Hi, I'm Laura Bitoiu, the Instagram strategist who knows that you have better things to do than just create Reels all day! 

After 6 years of working as a social media manager and consultant, I noticed that the rollout of Instagram Reels was a massive hurdle for many of my clients. I saw busy entrepreneurs and business owners looking to figure out straight-forward, realistic Reels strategies that would move the needle in their businesses.    

So, I began offering online education around Reels to help busy business owners gain clarity and confidence when it comes to creating Reels– as well as an actionable strategy to make Reels your favorite part of Instagram. I’ve spent the past 4 years primarily focused on getting results for my clients and students using Reels. 

With a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and first hand experience running a business, I know that you have better things to do than search for content ideas all day!

Is AI Content Kickstarter right for you?

Nope, I'm not going to sit here and say this is for everyone. But if you're tired of guessing games and inconsistent results;  if you're ready for a plan that feels less like a wild guess and more like a strategic blueprint; and if you're buzzing with excitement at the thought of blending your creativity with some seriously smart AI to make your Instagram pop— then "AI Content Kickstarter" just might be the game-changer you've been waiting for.

The 'What, Why, and How' of AI Content Kickstarter

  • No worries at all! "Reels Revolution" is designed for all levels, including beginners. We'll walk you through every step, making AI and Instagram strategies easy and approachable.

  • Because this is a digital product with instant access, we do not offer refunds. However, if you find that you are not 100% happy with your purchase, please reach out and we will see what we can do to make it right. We believe in the value of our workshop and want you to feel confident in your investment.

  • Great question! 'Reels Revolution' is tailor-made for anyone who's ever felt a bit lost in the world of Instagram. It's perfect for:

    Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs: If you're ready to take your brand's Instagram presence from 'just okay' to 'jaw-droppingly good,' this is for you.

    Social Media Managers: Looking to up your game and bring fresh, AI-powered strategies to your clients? Come on in!

    Content Creators & Influencers: Whether you're starting out or already have a following, if you want to make your content stand out, this workshop will be your new best friend.

    Marketing Enthusiasts: If you're passionate about digital marketing and eager to learn cutting-edge Instagram strategies, you'll fit right in.

    Anyone Curious About AI in Marketing: Even if you're just dipping your toes into the world of AI and social media, you'll find this workshop both enlightening and practical.

  • We get it, time is precious. That's why the workshop is stripped of all the fluff and gets straight to the point. The lessons are self-paced, with the entire workshop totaling only one hour of your time. You can learn at your own speed and apply the strategies as you go. It’s all about making big impacts with small, manageable steps.

  • We'd love to hear from you! You can reach out to us via our support email ( or Instagram. We're here to help!

  • Not at all. "Reels Revolution" is designed to maximize impact, regardless of your budget. We focus on creativity and strategy over big spending.

  • Once you sign up, you get lifetime access! This includes any updates or additional content added in the future.

  • Yes, enrollment for "Reels Revolution" is open year-round. You can start your journey whenever you're ready!

  • There's no follower count requirement. Our strategies are effective whether you have 100 or 10,000 followers. It's all about how you engage and grow your audience.

  • We cover a range of topics from understanding AI in content creation, developing your brand voice, crafting a content calendar, how to use trending audios, and creating scroll-stopping content.

  • Yes, absolutely! You'll have access to all future updates and additional content at no extra cost.

  • We offer support via the comment section of the workshop portal. Drop any questions you have in the workshop area and we will respond within 24 business hours.

  • We're here if you would like to upgrade to 1:1 support. You can reach out through our support channels for details on how to get started.