September Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas

Looking to shake up your Reels game? You're in the right spot.

Each week, we'll showcase some of the top the Reels trends for small business owners, influencers, service providers, and coaches including weekly trending sounds plus how to use them in your business.

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September 2023 Reels Ideas

September 25:


🔗 This part of my life is called…

This starts off very somber and reflective…and then takes a hilarious turn!

How to use it: 

The first part of this sound comes from a very serious, soft music, dim lighting video where he says “This part of my life is called…peace.” Somewhere along the way, someone mixed in audio of a goat screaming in place of the word “peace.” This is a fun sound to use to spotlight the not so fun aspect of something you love – almost like a play on “expectations vs. reality.”

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: The one thing I don’t love about [your biz]? [Annoying or tedious aspect]

  • Service-based: POV: You’re a [your title] who creates more work for herself by [action] 


This part of my life is called (goat screaming)


This photographer uses the sound to highlight the downside of her work in a lighthearted way.

September 18:


🔗 More Passion, More Energy, More Footwork

This audio has 90s dance instructor energy!

How to use it: 

This playful sound is ideal for showing your passion (or energy or footwork!) for an aspect of your business that gets your ideal client or customer hyped up. Alternatively, you could use it to highlight something you have to hype yourself up for.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: POV: You just bought [your product]

  • Service-based: POV: Hyping yourself up to [something you help clients with] 


More passion x 3

More energy x 2

More footwork x 2


We like how this service-based example uses the sound to show her passion for her job!

September 11:


🔗 Foreboding Music

This sound has under 800 uses at the time of this writing, so jump on it now!

How to use it: 

This sound is perfect for focusing on hindsight wisdom, or the consequences of ignoring good advice. For product-based businesses, that could mean showcasing what happens when someone buys a cheaper product that doesn’t work as well. Service-based businesses could highlight the not-so-great results of deciding not to hire an expert. You could also use it to share a scenario where something just feels off or even in a gentle “I told you so” scenario.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: POV: You bought the cheapest [product] and now [negative outcome]

  • Service-based: When someone leaves a mean comment…but they’re still following. 


Clever service-based example that perfectly communicates that “side-eye” feeling.

September 4:


🔗 Sad Spongebob Music

Think of this as another version of “womp womp”

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is easy to pick up from the sound itself: disappointment, confusion, something that didn’t meet expectations, etc. It’s great for spotlighting something your audience will find relatable and the funnier you make it, the better.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: When you told everyone you’re “running errands” but you’re really [buying from your store]

  • Service-based: Thinking about how much time I spent on [things that don’t work] 


This service-based example fits 3 different relatable scenarios in a short clip.


October Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas


August Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas