August Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas

Looking to shake up your Reels game? You're in the right spot.

Each week, we'll showcase some of the top the Reels trends for small business owners, influencers, service providers, and coaches including weekly trending sounds plus how to use them in your business.

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August 2023 Reels Ideas

August 28:


🔗 Cardi B “Money” Intro

Just a few simple notes you can use in so many ways!

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is using the three simple notes to demonstrate confusion or to point out something that just doesn’t make sense. Use it to highlight a misconception in your niche, confusing behavior from potential clients and customers, or even to call attention to something that’s coming – like the holidays or kids getting home from school.

If you want to amp this up a bit, film yourself reacting from different angles. To film the separate clips, use a tripod and the self-timer feature to get different angles. If you don’t have a tripod, prop your phone up in different spots and use the self-timer feature. Use this template with preset timing to make it even easier.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Me when I hear someone say [misconception about your product or category]

  • Service-based: Me when I see someone say [result they got] but [something that doesn’t add up] 


We like how this service-based example pops in “do this instead” to get viewers to read the caption.

August 21:


🔗 This Is How We Do It

A twist on everyone’s favorite 90s jam!

How to use it: 

Showcasing useful information is an important part of a solid Reels strategy. This clip – which literally says “this is how we do it!” – is perfect for showing your audience how to do something, how to get a result they want, or the next steps you recommend they take.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Short “how to use it” tutorial with on-screen text “trying out the [product name]”

  • Service-based: Sped-up video showing your service from start to finish with on-screen text “watch me ___” (transform/ overhaul/ create your specific service) 


This is how we do it…


This service-based example shows how perfect this clip is for sharing tips, tutorials and tricks…

August 14:


🔗 Law & Order Theme

This classic is trending again!

How to use it: 

The iconic theme song is back and ready for you to put your spin on it. Use it to pose a question your audience will relate to or to point out something that doesn’t make sense. If you want to do something a bit more complex, you use the dramatic, suspenseful tune to create a “case” around your product or service and then reveal a solution or debunk a myth.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: When someone says they’ve found a better [product you sell] but you need to see some evidence.

  • Service-based: When you’re charged with providing the best [service you provide] and you have to plead guilty.


This face-free product-based example uses a question geared towards their target audience.

August 7:


🔗 Black Cat Zoning Out

The internet will always love cats!

How to use it: 

This black cat started trending on TikTok when users noticed that the black cat staring blankly looks a lot like what boredom or zoning out feels like. Use it to highlight a scenario in which you’re there, but not there – like bad advice you’re tired of hearing, something you can’t be bothered to learn about, or something you’d rather not think about like in example one above.

Use this CapCut template below to create your own version!

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Seeing the total and realizing you came in for one [product you sell] and you’re leaving with [number]

  • Service-based: My face when someone says just [something that doesn’t work] instead of hiring a professional [your title] 


This knowledge-based account got *over 60k shares* of their educational take on this trend!


September Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas


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