Why You’re Not Growing On Instagram

IG growth is a serious marathon. Besides a few outliers, it takes TIME to build your audience on Instagram. I get this question a lot: “I’ve tried everything, but my account isn’t growing! What can I do?”

From my experience this is a part of a bigger picture for your business. You need to have a big picture goal for your business, and LEARN what role Instagram plays in achieving this goal. Maybe your goal is to reach a 6 figure income by working with clients 1:1. In this case, you don’t need 10k followers to reach that goal. However, if you’re selling scalable digital products or services, you will certainly want a larger following on Instagram.

What worked in 2016…2018…2020 for IG growth isn’t the same as to what works for growth now. Times have changed, and it’s time to adapt!

If you’re participating in the below activities on Instagram, it will take you a lot longer to get your followers up. Make notable changes regarding these items, and reach your IG growth goals!

1. Your bio doesn’t explain who you service or how. Getting detailed in your bio is so important. This is equivalent to the store front window to your business. I hear you…the limited character count makes it difficult. Stick with these two items - who your service and how you do it. Then add relevant emoji’s, etc if they fit.

2. You have only posted a few Reels. Okay…The verdict is in with Reels. Instagram Reels have proven to create a bigger impact on growth than any other feature on the app. The return is unheard of! If you’re still struggling with Reels, you might want to consider my Reel Talk mini course.

3. You have a photo only feed. Not only does your audience want to see a variety of static, stories, Reels, guides and IGTV posts, they also want to see a mix of photos, memes and infographics. Variety is key!

4. You spend more time using shady apps than researching what your audience wants. I can tell you that the only app you need to help your growth on IG is the Instagram app itself. Your time is limited, so spend it on the actual Instagram app to get a genuine and authentic audience.

I hear you…it’s incredibly frustrating that an app that was rumoured to be originally created for photography has evolved to be something very different. However, Instagram has evolved based on people’s interests and how we consume content. So I can assure you, this is what your audience wants more of! One of our followers gave a great analogy for IG growth - “we have to water our plants…just like our audience.” Give them what they want and they will grow!


Insights For Reels?!


Staying Sane On Social Media