Why Your Reels Aren’t Growing Your Account

I get a ton of detailed questions about why your specific Reels didn’t get the kind of exposure you need to grow your account. I often been told that you’re making Reels, but seeing very little growth or sales from them. You’re not alone!

Once I dive in a little deeper, I notice 5 mistakes that are the biggest reason why your account isn’t growing after posting a Reel:

  1. You’re not using trending audio. Okay, yes not every Reel needs a trending audio. A good mix of Reels and trending audio Reels is important. We know this is the kind of algorithm Instagram likes and promotes.

  2. You don’t post consistently. Unfortunately the days of posting a random Reel here and there are gone. Sure, post those static posts! But make sure you are posting at least 2 Reels a week (more than 2 is even better of course).

  3. You have no strategy. Know your why! Understanding the bigger picture in regards to your overall goal for using the Instagram app is a great place to start. Then you can break that down to each Reel your post. What is it that your Reel is trying to communicate? What is the result you want from your Reel?

  4. Your content is too boring. This might sound harsh, but the same old repetitive content isn’t going to work. PEROID! It’s time to brainstorm new ideas on how to stand out, friend!

  5. Your Reels are not relevant to your ideal audience. If you haven’t figured out who your ideal audience is then now is the time! Once you have a good handle on your audience, the Reels ideas will come naturally. Maybe you’re getting a bunch of views anyways, but they won’t translate to growth or sales.


How To Get Confident On Reels


6 Reels You Can Create Today