November Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas

Looking to shake up your Reels game? You're in the right spot.

Each week, we'll showcase some of the top the Reels trends for small business owners, influencers, service providers, and coaches including weekly trending sounds plus how to use them in your business.

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November 2023 Reels Ideas

November 27:


🔗 When someone complains about ___ but I can’t relate

This fun trend requires zero lipsyncing!

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is highlighting something you can’t relate to – which also means showing off what you can relate to! People are using hooks like “When someone complains about [x] but I can’t relate because [what’s different about them].” It gives business owners a chance to show how they’re different – in their approach, uniqueness, quality, methods, etc.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: When someone starts complaining that they can’t [problem your product solves] but there’s a whole [product] for that

  • Service-based: When people complain they can’t figure out how to [problem they want to solve] but I can’t relate because I’ve been showing people how for x years


This knowledge-based example takes an unexpected (and hilarious) turn!

November 20:


🔗 Steve Carrell Laughing

The title says it all!

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is using one of the most infectious laughs ever to point out something absurd, silly, preposterous or just plain wrong. You can push back against a myth in your niche or even use it to make fun of yourself with something like, “When I tell myself I’m going to post every day.”

If you prefer to go face-free for this trend, here’s the Capcut template to make things even easier!

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: When you told your partner you were just going to “browse” and not buy anything

  • Service-based: “You make being a [your title] look so easy. You must be super organized!”


It can be tricky to poke fun at your clients and potential clients but this service-based example found a way that works.

November 13:


🔗 Make Your Own Kind of Music

This song is trending again in a whole new way!

How to use it: 

You may recall this audio trending earlier this year, usually paired with a Pedro Pascal gif. At the time it was more about accepting things that were out of our control. It’s back again, but this time people are using it to answer questions about their journeys as a business owner. Sometimes it’s in relation to their degrees (like in the examples above). But you can also get creative and create a scenario where your business is the obvious solution, or even just highlight a way in which you do business differently from others in your niche.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: “Why would you give up your 9-5 to sell [your product]?”

  • Service-based: “What are you going to do with your [academic degree]?” [share what you do now]


This service-based example was created with static images – no video!

November 6:


🔗 Morning… I would say good but…

Share what would make it a “good” morning!

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is pointing out how it would be a “good” morning if one little thing was different – like if your customers subscribed to your email list so they could be first to know about sales. Use it to highlight something your ideal audience needs to know that would make it a “good morning.”

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Morning. I would say good morning but I wish more [ideal customer] knew about our [offer].

  • Service-based: I say “morning” instead of “good morning” because you haven’t signed up for our freebie that helps you [result] yet.


This simple yet specifically-worded Reel got over 3 million views in less than a week!


December Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas


October Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas