Should You Follow Them Back?

I get inundated with questions regarding followers. Questions like: “are engagement pods worth it?” Or “should we be following every account back who follows us?" pop up in my DMs often.

Although unpredictable at times, one common thing with Instagram is that it likes you to be authentic. Instagram is meant to be entertaining, so put it this way . . . if you don’t like their content, they’re probably not the right follow for you!

Don’t trust spam messages that promise you thousands of ‘real, engaged’ followers because that doesn’t actually exist. There is not quick fix to getting followers, so be yourself and chose who you follow wisely.

Here are 3 major questions you should ask yourself before you hit ‘follow.’ If you answer YES to all of these questions then you should definitely follow that account. If you answer NO to these questions, hold off on following them.

1. Do you like their content enough to engage with it? You want to be following accounts that are engaging and will respond to your comments.

2. Does this account provide a product/service you need? Products/services that you think you may need in the future are a great idea to follow and ‘save for later’ sort of speak.

3. Is their content relevant to your business? This could be a great networking opportunity to connect with like minded professionals or potential clients!

When in doubt, resort back to these 3 questions but also it’s not that complicated! As always, keep things simple and don’t overthink. Most importantly remember to enjoy yourself and have fun. You got this!


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