April Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas

Looking to shake up your Reels game? You're in the right spot.

Each week, we'll showcase some of the top the Reels trends for small business owners, influencers, service providers, and coaches including weekly trending sounds plus how to use them in your business.

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April 2024 Reels Ideas

April 29:


🔗 There’s no going back

This audio is perfect for before and afters (and so much more!)

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is focusing on the phrase “there’s no going back.” Use it to showcase a message about a transition – a career journey, the results of your methods, how your product can change someone’s life, etc. – and how there’s no returning to how things used to be afterwards. Add some impact by showing the transition you’re focused on right after “there’s no going back.”

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: POV: [before your product] / POV: [after your product]

  • Service-based: Do you want [result]? Here’s how I did it (read caption)


This product-based example uses a “POV” format to position the product as the answer to a customer dilemma.

April 22:


🔗 You can’t hurt me (Bulletproof)

Use this fun trend in a few different ways

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is using this upbeat, defiant tune to show how you, your business or your audience are “bulletproof.” You can also reveal something (announcement, new product or solution) at the beat drop.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Think you can hurt me? I already [something relatable you’ve overcome/dealt with]

  • Service-based: Things I didn’t do to [business accomplishment] [list of actions]


This knowledge-based example takes the “you can’t hurt me” approach.

April 15:


🔗 Trade Offer

This cute trend couldn’t be simpler to jump on!

How to use it: 

This trend is a fun way to introduce yourself to potential new followers and even grow your account. The idea is offering a “trade”: a follow in exchange for what your account focuses on.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Trade Offer: I receive a follow / You receive [what your account offers]

  • Service-based: You get fun tips on [your niche] / I get a follow


This easy face-free knowledge-based example shows how B Roll has a place in your content strategy!

April 8:


🔗 Welcome to your life

An 80’s classic

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is showcasing something you’re obsessed with or something that consumes all of your time and/or energy. It’s perfect for business owners because it allows you to spotlight your products or services and show viewers why they should be obsessed, too!

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: When you get your first [your product] and you’re already thinking about which one to try next

  • Service-based: POV: You decided to start a [your niche] business


The hook in this service-based example tells viewers exactly what the account is all about.

April 1:


🔗 What my brain sounds like…

You can almost feel this one!

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is showing a contrast between noise (literal or figurative) and calm silence. You can position your product or service as the thing that quiets the noise for your ideal client or customer.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Your brain when [something related to using your product]

  • Service-based: What your brain feels like when you hire a [your title]


This social media manager’s hook speaks directly to her ideal client.


May Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas


March Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas