DIY Social Media Holiday Gift Guide

If you could have one social media holiday wish, what would it be? Mine would be insights for Reels! It’s so like Instagram to give us this amazing new feature…without any insights (#annoying)!

In the mean time, I want to share a holiday gift with you - DIY social media manager.

I only share programs I truly believe in and love myself, so you will be sure to get a lot out of this one!

Let’s be real, Instagram is a struggle!

If you’ve been working hard on your Instagram account, but seeing no results - you’re not alone. It can feel impossible to keep up with as well as stand out when you have a challenging algorithm and 1+ billion other accounts to go up against.

If this sounds like you, then you need to gift yourself Organic Engagement Pro this holiday season! Give yourself the gift of more followers and more business through your Instagram account.

tis’ the season to turn your efforts into strategies that really work!

You should gift yourself Organic Engagement Pro if…

  • You’re not happy with your Instagram engagement right now

  • You’re tired of having no control over the content you create

  • You are spending a lot of time on Instagram and seeing no results

  • You’re ready to put in the work and apply these easy strategies to your account

Take it from Stephanie Gilbert, founder of The Social CEO:“Superposts™ are a huge part of my business' Instagram Strategy--because they work! The formula Manu teaches makes content creation simple & effective. Our audience keeps growing & our content continues to thrive! If you've seen a downtick in your follower growth or engagement, the answer is simple--you need Superposts™!”

You might be thinking “what the heck are Superposts™?!” Answer: Superposts™ are posts you create intentionally and strategically (with help of analytics) that will beat the algorithm and your highest performing posts EVER!

Superposts™ finally removes the guessing game from your content creation and brings you immediate results. And the best part? It’s a strategy that will work specifically for YOUR account, because it’s based on data from your audience.

So, even if everyone uses this same strategy, each account’s content will always be unique.

We’re strong believers in gifting yourself something special around this time of year, so why not gift yourself Superposts™, but also a variety of other best practice checklists only found in Organic Engagement Pro. It’s truly the gift that keeps giving - more exposure, more captions read and calls to action that are actually leading to action!

The Coast Kit

Grow your business smarter and faster with our affordable, all-inclusive Squarespace website templates + social media kits. At The Coast Kit, we've developed super flex templates packed with personality that you can make your own. A first-class website, for a smidge of the price.

Spring Clean Your Social Media


Things That Are More Important Than Reels Views.